Laser-based sizing of pipes
The new Pipe Sizing Technology drastically reduces the time required for sizing and achieves unprecedented levels of precision. At the same time, it enables complete documentation of the inner contour.
Thanks to the integrated 360° laser measuring system, it is now possible for the first time to use inline information to control the entire process with highest precision.
Perfect roundness
The PIPE SIZER is the first sizing machine in the world to measure the inside geometry of the pipe while performing the sizing operation. This means: no more “trial and error”, but pipe sizing based on accurate measured data.
Combining measuring and sizing in one unit means a dramatic reduction in the time needed for pipe sizing. At the same time, it achieves an unprecedented level of precision.
The pipe production process becomes more flexible as the PIPE SIZER – depending on the model – can be used to size not only the ends of a pipe but the inner contour as well.
Forming segments are extended in a path- and pressure-dependent manner, for example, to selectively remove dents until the desired ideal inner contour is achieved.
The benefits at a glance
Better quality
- Perfect roundness
- Minimal effect on material properties
Greater productivity
- Less re-sizing
- Shorter handling times
- Optimized process flow
More information
- Gapless documentation of quality
- 100 % inspection of all pipes
Targeted sizing
When pipes are not perfectly round at their ends, hydraulic expanders are used to adjust the roundness. A hydraulic cylinder in the expanders actuates the forming tools which press against the inside surface of the pipe wall to achieve a specific plastic deformation of the pipe.
Where and to which degree exactly the pipe should be deformed used to be difficult to determine due to the lack of suitable measuring data.
Therefore, the PIPE SIZER has an integrated 360° laser measuring system. This laser measures the inside geometry of the pipe in real time, while the software calculates the parameters that ensure high precision control of the sizing process.
The demands on the quality of pipes – especially for perfect roundness – have become increasingly exacting during the last few years, presenting pipe manufacturers with ever new challenges.
Integrated laser
The pipe sizing tool with up to six forming segments is located at the end of a roller table carrying the pipe. The 360° laser measuring system mounted at the tip of the tool measures the inside contour of the pipe.
Sizing instead of expanding
The pipe sizing tool is inserted into the pipe. At the same time, the 360° laser measures the geometry of the inner pipe wall. From these measurements, the software calculates the actuation values for each one of the six forming segments of the tool.
Depending on the machine model, the individual spreading segments can be extended individually depending on travel and pressure, in order to achieve the desired contour. Upon completion of the first sizing cycle, the pipe is measured again. Based on the newly measured contour values, the software determines the backspring of the pipe material. Then the software calculates the values for the second sizing cycle, taking the backspring into account. This guarantees that the sizing process is adjusted to the specific materials properties of each individual pipe.
Each one of the six forming segments covers a sector of 60°. It may happen that the contour measurements show that the pipe wall needs to be sized at a point located in between two adjacent segments. In this case the pipe sizing tool can be turned into the right position.
High precision inline measurement
The 360° laser measuring system arranged at the tip of the pipe sizing tool measures the inside pipe contour in a non-contact process in real time, generating a complete 2D image of the pipe’s interior.
The measuring system works on the principle of laser triangulation: a laser mounted to the tip of the measuring lance projects a line onto the pipe’s inside wall surface. Two cameras contained in the measuring head capture the projected line at 1080 points distributed over the complete circumference of the inner pipe wall.
The laser measuring system ensures maximum repeatability and gapless documentation of the process.
Targeted sizing
Depending on the geometry of the pipe the forming segments of the PIPE SIZER are being actuated and spred apart by hydraulic cylinders. The segments can be moved outwards against the pipe wall separately or all six at a time. Depending on the machine type two opposite segments or three segments arranged at 120° from each other are actuated simultaneously. Expanding with a total of six expansion segments is also possible.
Versatile software
The software for the PIPE SIZER has been specifically tailored to the requirements of the tube and pipe industry.
Basic software
Even in its basic version, the software covers a very wide and diverse range of applications. All the features – automatic centerpoint correction and adaptation of the laser to specific surface characteristics of the inside pipe wall, for example – can be adapted to meet the requirements of the tasks on hand.
The basic software includes a wide range of advanced control features – target diameter, minimum and maximum diameter, ovality and automatic centerpoint correction – and a reporting function.
3D visualization
The basic software visualizes the pipe geometry as a 2D contour. In connection with a position measuring gauge, the system generates 3D images of the complete pipe.
Customized software
Our application engineers will customize the software to integrate special features, such as the masking out of welds, to meet any requirements of the task.
Data export made easy
The pipe geometry data is available in digital form and ready to be used by the operator for the optimization of internal processes via data export to higher level systems.
Technical data
Inner pipe diameter
280-1.000 mm
Max. wall thickness
Force of the main cylinder
6 x 70 mm
Stroke of the tools
Rotation of the tools
0,1 mm
Sizing depth
10-300 mm

Andree Nöh
Senior Sales Manager
T +49 271 401-4491

Andree Nöh
Senior Sales Manager
T +49 271 401-4491

Boris Marcukaitis
Senior Sales Manager
T +49 271 401-4120

Volker Witzleb
Senior Sales Manager
T +49 271 401-4433

Volker Witzleb
Senior Sales Manager
T +49 271 401-4433

Iysa Demir
Sales Manager Service
T +49 271 401-4332