pipe industry
From bending exceptionally thick plates to perfect inner contours: Plants for the pipe industry.
With our PIPE SIZING TOOL of the PST series we have set a new standard in tube and pipe production. A laser measures the inner pipe contour while the pipe is being expanded – making “trial and error” in pipe sizing a thing of the past.
Our four-roll round-bending machines for sheet metal up to 320 mm thick are designed for optimized force handling. They stand out due to their short cycle times and high accuracy of repetition.
The induction pipe bending machines of our IBM series offer a wide range of applications for two- and three-dimensional bending in terms of the material, pipe diameter, wall thickness and bending radius they can handle.
With the laser based PIPE SIZER of the PST series our customers can produce pipes with perfectly circular contours. For the first time ever it is now possible to use “live” information about the internal pipe geometry directly for the control of the complete sizing process. This dramatically shortens the processing time while achieving ultra high precision.

PST Series
Pipe Sizer
The new PIPE SIZING TOOLS of the PST Series reduce the time needed for pipe end sizing dramatically, while boosting precision of the overall sizing process. In addition to the sizing of pipe ends, the new PIPE SIZING TOOL can also be used for fullbody sizing - that is, for sizing a pipe along its complete length.
Precision-manufactured components, shortest machining times, less remachining in downstream processes, more top-quality products:
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