DANGO & DIENENTHAL was founded in 1865 by August Dango and Louis Dienenthal as a non-ferrous metals foundry. During the first four decades of the twentieth century, the company’s core business gradually shifted towards the manufacturing of special machinery. Today, the family-owned company is in its fifth generation, managed by Rainer Dango und Arno Dienenthal.

Picture of the founders Dango and Dienenthal
Production picture from 1901


In addition to the founding location in Siegen, the DANGO & DIENENTHAL group of companies has subsidiaries with production and service locations in South Africa, North America, India, Japan, Russia, China, Mozambique and Sweden.


The first charging machine

First charging machine in 1933
First mobile forging manipulator in 1936


The first mobile forging manipulator


The first cooling water filter

First water filter 1941
first rail-bound forging manipulator


The first rail-bound forging manipulator


The first tap-hole drilling machine for blast furnaces

1958 First drilling machine for blast furnaces
[Translate to Englisch:] Bau der ersten Abschlackmaschine


The first deslagging machine


DANGO & DIENENTHAL Maschinenbau GmbH supplies a wide range of handling equipment for open-die and closed-die forging presses, ring-rolling operations, submerged arc furnaces (SAF), and slag skimming equipment for steel mills. The latest additions to our product range are ring-cutting machines for ring rolling shops. These machines can cut ring blanks into individual rings of only a few millimeters in height.

Gründung D&D Maschinenbau GmbH


Foundation of the South African subsidiary


Foundation of the US subsidiary

First large manipulator with 700 kN load capacity


The first large manipulator for heavy forgings with a 700 kN load capacity


DANGO & DIENENTHAL Filtertechnik GmbH manufactures industrial filter systems and separators for the cleaning of fluids.


Foundation of the Indian subsidiary


Foundation of the Japanese subsidiary


Launch of mobile forging manipulators with load capacities exceeding 800 kN

Mobile forging manipulator in the background and team in the foreground


Rainer Dango becomes a Managing Director

Rail-bound forging manipulators


Launch of rail-bound forging manipulators with load capacities exceeding 800 kN


Since 2003, TMT - Tapping Measuring Technology, a joint company of DANGO & DIENENTHAL, based in Siegen, Germany, and PAUL WURTH, based in Luxembourg, has been the company’s center of competence for cast house equipment and measuring technology for blast furnaces.

Tapping Measuring Technology - Gemeinschaftsunternehmen von DANGO & DIENENTHAL in Siegen und PAUL WURTH in Luxemburg
World's largest rail-bound forging manipulator (SSM Series) with a load capacity of 2,550 kN and a load torque of 7,500 kNm


The world’s biggest rail-bound forging manipulator (SSM series) with 2,550 kN load capacity and 7,500 kNm load torque


Arno Dienenthal becomes a Managing Director


The world’s biggest mobile forging manipulator (MSM series) with 1,500 kN load capacity and 2,400 kNm load torque

DD team in front of the world's largest mobile forging manipulator


Since 2014, DANGO & DIENENTHAL Umformtechnik GmbH has been manufacturing and supplying roller bending machines for large, heavy-gauge plates, and induction bending machines especially for large-diameter thick- and thin-walled pipes. A strategic partnership with a measuring technology specialist, entered into in 2019, enables Dango & Dienenthal to supply—as a novelty in pipe making—gauges for the measurement of the inside wall contours of pipes. Revamping service for hydroforming machines is also part of the company’s service portfolio.



At the end of 2015, HENCON BV, based in the Netherlands, became part of the group, completing DANGO & DIENENTHAL’s portfolio with machines and equipment for the aluminium, mining and forestry industries. In addition to the supply of machinery, HENCON provides a wide range of on-site maintenance and service activities.

HENCON BV has also been part of the Group since the end of 2015
Most powerful deslagging machine (SAM 50) with 50 kN deslagging force


The most powerful skimming machine (SAM 50) with slag raking forces of up to 500 kN


Comprehensive use of Industry 4.0 features in our mobile machines: telemetric boxes transmit machine data for analyses

Telemetry boxes
First forging manipulator with energy recovery system


The first forging manipulator with energy recovery system (ERS)


The first hydroforming press with 50 MN locking force

First hydroforming press with 50 MN locking force
Digital online portal “D&D Connect” for monitoring mobile machines


Launch of “D&D Connect”, our digital online portal for the monitoring our mobile machines and for maintenance activities and spare parts supply. Use of AR goggles to facilitate maintenance.


The first PIPE SIZER equipped with an integrated laser unit for the measurement of the inner diameter and ovality of pipes

First PIPE SIZER with integrated laser measurement
Dango und Dienenthal logo Bild


Since the foundation of our company, we have supplied more than 2,000 machines and systems worldwide. Today, the DANGO & DIENENTHAL Group is operationally managed by Dr. Jens-Uwe Heitsch and Alexander Neff. As shareholders, Rainer Dango, in the fifth generation and Jörg Dienenthal, in the fourth generation, continue the traditional family history.