We think in terms of processes to guarantee that our machines enable our customers to produce forgings, rings, pipes or sheet products in exactly the quality they expect. Our machines integrate deeply with the digital data worlds of our customers’ production facilities.
Even in the most challenging operating environments, our machines work with maximum reliability and precision. Their extra-robust design ensures highest availability in production, day-in day-out. In this way, our machines play an essential part in making our customers’ production processes more efficient.
Open Die Forging
An open-die forging press may appear a bit archaic – especially when being used for the forging of high-end components – but this impression is misleading. Open-die forging or drop forging is one of the most sophisticated metal forming processes there is.
Closed Die Forging
We manufacture transport manipulators and robots for all handling operations between the furnace and the press.
Ring Rolling
We supply handling solutions for the complete process chain of ring rolling – from forming of blanks up to the production of individual rings including quality control.
Heat Treatment
Precise control of the process parameters is crucial in heat treatment – not only in the furnaces, but along the complete process chain. Our handling solutions ensure high-precision control of the parameters and attainment of the desired material properties.
For the smelting of the metal production chain, we supply innovative system solutions specially designed for harsh operating environments and high temperatures.
Tube & Pipe Industry
The induction heating technology of the IBM Series and the PIPE SIZER offer precise solutions for the diverse requirements of the pipe industry.
Contract Manufacturing
DANGO & DIENENTHAL has become an established provider of a full range of component manufacturing services and solutions for the mechanical and plant engineering sector.
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